embreze® - 16 Mar 2022Difference between Assam tea and Ceylon tea Do you also love to have a nice cup of tea and preferably a cup of tea made from real loose-leaf black tea? There are different types of loose leaf tea that you can use for this. Assam tea and Ceylon tea are two varieties of black tea. In this blog, you will read everything about the differences between these two types of black tea. Tea BlogWhat is Assam tea?Assam tea is tea grown in the Assam province of India. The tea is made from the 'common tea plant': the Camellia sinensis. In this region, the temperature is on average between 24 and 34 degrees Celsius. During the summer there is a lot of rain and the winters are relatively dry. This climate ensures that Assam tea has a full and malty taste. Assam tea is firm and dry and is picked at two times of the year: the first cut is just after winter and the second is at the end of spring. The tea of the second crop is particularly popular. Assam tea is often used to make blends. For example, English Breakfast tea and Irish Breakfast tea contain Assam tea.What is Ceylon tea?Ceylon tea comes from Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is located in the south of India. The country was called Ceylon until 1972; hence the name Ceylon tea. Ceylon tea is also made from the Camellia sinensis plant. The tea has different flavors. The tea is developed in different regions of Sri Lanka and is also processed differently. Those differences lead to subtle differences in taste. Ceylon can be sold pure or mixed. Earl Gray tea, for example, is made from Ceylon tea.What are the differences between Assam tea and Ceylon tea?Not sure which of the two teas you like the most? The main taste differences between the teas are as follows: Assam tea has an earthy and malty flavor. As a result, some people experience Assam tea as dark and strong. Ceylon tea, on the other hand, tastes fresher. It is more subtle with citrusy and mentholated notes.How do you make the best Black tea?As mentioned, both Assam and Ceylon teas are black teas. Black teas are best when brewed with water at about 98 - 100 degrees Celsius - water that is just off the boil. To get the best taste, steep your loose leaf black tea for 3-5 minutes.Where can you buy delicious black tea?Do you also want to enjoy delicious black teas? Embreze offers a wide range of organic loose black teas, including organic black Assam tea and organic black Ceylon tea. Organic tea contains no additional fragrances and flavors and is 100% organic! The great thing about Embreze is that all tea is made by hand and that we have a wide range of tea varieties. Our teas are also a great idea for a gift!
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